
R-LINES Productions is a leading global independent FILM, TV, Commercial and digital production, based in Paris, France. Our offices and studios are located in the center of Paris, a block away from Le Louvre. The company develops and produces award-winning, high-quality and popular content, across all genres and for all audiences.

R-LINES is proud to be the home of some of France’s very best talent and IP. Our core strategy revolves around cultivating collaboration with creators, helping them to fully embrace and actualize their distinct contributions to every project. Founded by Romuald Boulanger, R-LINES Productions is committed to delivering top-tier content From comedies, biopics, contemporary thrillers, features, children’s programming, high concepts… We offers executive production services in Europe, from project assessment, brainstorming, budgeting, casting, scouting unique locations, overseeing preproduction, organizing shoots and post-production, to even crafting original music, all through our dedicated team and network of partners. We handle complete or partial executive production tasks for your project, ensuring swift and effective solutions tailored to your needs. In 2021, we launched R-Lines Music, a full music studio for creating original film soundtracks (Connectés, On the Line) and to represent exceptional talents such as composer Clément Perin. R-Lines has also partnered with Etoile Cinéma (David Henochsberg - Franck Lombard-Platet) and Dude Communication (Matthias Weber) to create the CINE-LINES cinema (533 seats, 4 screens) located one hour from Paris.

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Founder & CEO
Head of Productions
Pierre-Marie Croquet

Head of Post-production

Clément Périn

Head of Music

Camille Rusca

Production Department

Lola Aries

Production Department

Melissa Coelho

Production Assistant
